
Gainesville School choir member Sophia Weber shows Louie, the Springfield Cardinals mascot, some dance moves as choir members gathered to perform “America the Beautiful” before Friday night’s game at Hammons Field in Springfield.
Gainesville R-V School hosted the first annual Gainesville Community Night Thursday at Hammons Field in Springfield. More than 250 Gainesville School patrons bought tickets to watch the Springfield Cardinals take on the Midland (Texas) Rockhounds. “What a wonderful turnout,” said Gainesville R-V...

Times photo / Bruce Roberts: Students pass through the hallway Monday at Bakersfield High School during class changes. The school district gained a record 42 new students as the 2019-20 school year started earlier this month, bringing the district’s total enrollment to 391, including 21 preschoolers. Superintendent Dr. Amy Britt says the district’s four-day school week is one of the factors that led to the enrollment spike.
As the new school year gets off the ground, at least one Ozark County school is seeing record enrollment increases and is having to adjust to handle the influx of new students. Bakersfield superintendent Dr. Amy Britt said the R-4 district has a record 41-student gain in enrollment over last...

Times photo / Bruce Roberts Students pass through the hallway Monday at Bakersfield High School during class changes. The school district gained a record 42 new students as the 2019-20 school year started earlier this month, bringing the district’s total enrollment to 391, including 21 preschoolers. Superintendent Dr. Amy Britt says the district’s four-day school week is one of the factors that led to the enrollment spike.
As the new school year gets off the ground, at least one Ozark County school is seeing record enrollment increases and is having to adjust to handle the influx of new students. Bakersfield superintendent Dr. Amy Britt said the R-4 district has a record 41-student gain in enrollment over last year’s...
As the new school year begins, Ozark County schools say their policies regarding unpaid student lunch fees bear no resemblance to other schools’ “lunch shaming” practices that have made national news lately. Still, school administrators say, unpaid student fees are a problem sometimes. A...
As the new school year begins, Ozark County schools say their policies regarding unpaid student lunch fees bear no resemblance to other schools’ “lunch shaming” practices that have made national news lately. Still, school administrators say, unpaid student fees are a problem sometimes. A...

Gainesville Schools superintendent Jeff Hyatt tries out one of the comfortable chairs in the junior/senior high school’s new library center, which adjoins a new learning lab where students can take online classes.
As Gainesville students returned to school Tuesday, they discovered several improvements at the junior/senior high school, including a new learning lab and library center.“We wanted something different and more modern for the kids,” said Gaines-ville R-V superintendent Dr. Jeff Hyatt.The new...

Times photo/Bruce Roberts Dr. Allen Woods
Dora R-III School District’s new superintendent, Dr. Allen Woods, stepped into the job July 1 and says he’s ready for the new school year, which officially starts at Dora on Thursday. Woods, now beginning his 20th year as an educator and his sixth as an administrator, comes to Dora after spending a...

Gainesville Schools superintendent Jeff Hyatt tries out one of the comfortable chairs in the junior/senior high school’s new library center, which adjoins a new learning lab where students can take online classes.
As Gainesville students returned to school Tuesday, they discovered several improvements at the junior/senior high school, including a new learning lab and library center.“We wanted something different and more modern for the kids,” said Gaines-ville R-V superintendent Dr. Jeff Hyatt.The new...

Times photo/Bruce Roberts Dr. Allen Woods
Dora R-III School District’s new superintendent, Dr. Allen Woods, stepped into the job July 1 and says he’s ready for the new school year, which officially starts at Dora on Thursday. Woods, now beginning his 20th year as an educator and his sixth as an administrator, comes to Dora after spending a...

After a construction delay tied to questions about the modular building’s proximity to the Gainesville Memorial Airport across Bull Dog Drive, the Gainesville School District’s new Preschool Center now is ready for the opening of the school year on Aug. 13. Site preparation began in May, but work stopped after questions were raised about the safety of the building’s location a short distance east of the junior high wing of the high school building near the end of the airport runway. But by the end of the month, the Federal Aviation Administration had ruled that “the structure does not exceed obstruction standards and would not be a hazard to air navigation.” The new sign proclaims, “Home of the Little Bulldogs.”
County schools are gearing up for the 2019-2020 school year. Important dates and guidelines are listed below. Bakersfield R-IV School Registration for all new students will be held Thursday, Aug. 1; Friday, Aug. 2; and Tuesday, Aug. 6. Teachers report for in-service Wednesday-Friday, Aug. 7-9, and...


Ozark County Times

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