Bakersfield FFA hosting Chili Cookoff and Labor Auction Sept. 13
The Bakersfield FFA is hosting a chili cookff and labor auction at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 13, in the Bakersfield School cafeteria.
Everyone is invited to bring their chili entrees to compete for prizes, said FFA adviser Troy Wiesner. Pre-registration is not required. Judging begins at 5:45 p.m.. Chili will be judged on color, aroma, texture, flavor and heat.
Following the judging, FFA members will serve guests chili dinners with cinnamon rolls made by the school cooks.
The labor auction begins at 7 p.m. “FFA members will be auctioned off for labor,” Wiesner said. “Students will be sold in groups of two or more and will provide four hours of labor for the person who purchases them. Stiudents can hep community member with the jobs of their choice. So, if you need help raking leaves, picking up rocks, or any household chorse, thei would be a good opportunity for the community to get some help.”
All proceeds will be used to fund the annual FFA banquets.
For more information, call the ag department, 417-284-7333.