Ozark County incumbent Assessor Jama Berry secured 1,425 votes in the Aug. 6 Primary Election, meaning 76.41% of the ballots were cast in her favor, according to Ozark County's unofficial election results. Her challenger Kim Wilson received 440 votes.
Both candidates ran on the Republican ballot....
According to the unofficial Ozark County election results, Jim Britt won the contest for eastern district commissioner in the Aug. 6 Primary Election with 589 votes, taking 66.70% of the ballots cast in the race. His challenger Michael Warren received 294 votes.
Both candidates ran on the...
Dakota Driskell, 19, of West Plains, was killed in an early morning rollover crash Tuesday, Aug. 6, on KK Highway, six miles west of Pottersville, in Ozark County. Her passenger, Travis J. Grubbs, 18, also of West Plains, was taken to the hospital after sustaining minor injuries in the collision. ...
In the true neighbor-helping-neighbor community spirit Bakersfield is known for, a July 20 benefit auction and dinner held in honor of Harley and Alex Smith raised a total of $51,704. The Smiths are the parents of 1-year-old Kooper Smith who died unexpectedly May 23 from complications resulting...

Times photo/Regina Mozingo Seven puppies were found in a Gainesville trash cart July 9 by a GFL Environmental employee as he emptied the trash into the trash truck. Since that time, the community has come together to raise and care for the puppies, including giving them lots of attention, as these girls have. Five of the puppies are pictured here, and another one has been adopted by OCSD Sheriff’s Deputy and K9 handler Josh Sherman. The seventh puppy died before the trash worker found it. Pictured, from left, are: front row: Riley Williams, Adeline Pine and Nyla Schlemmer. Back row: Valerie Campbell and Alyssa Smith.
It was around 7:30 a.m. July 9, when GFL Environmental employee Jason McDermott was emptying trash carts in Gainesville that he came across something that stopped him dead in his tracks.
Seven newborn puppies, wrapped in a soiled birthing blanket, had been tied inside a grocery sack and left to...
Action Recovery Center, a residential sober living facility in Gainesville, will mark its 9-month anniversary this Saturday, Aug. 3, in the best way possible - with the graduation of its first client, Michael Turner, who says he has a new lease on life after becoming sober with the help of ARC....
David Haskins and Adam Freeman will be on the Republican ballot for voters who live within the Jackson Township, an designated area in Brixey.
The committeeman position is an unpaid, political party position. Ozark County Republican Committee Chairman Roger Pittaway provided us with this...
The two separate positions of eastern district county commissioner and western district county commissioner are up for election this year.
Duties are the same for both positions, but each commissioner respectively manages their own side of the county.
Incumbent Layne Nance is running unopposed in...
Registered voters who reside within the Theodosia city limits will have a chance to vote on the Village of Theodosia’s “use tax” measure on Election Day Aug. 6. The measure asks voters to impose a local use tax at the same rate as the total local sales tax rate. It also indicates that if the local...
Incumbent Jama Berry faces challenger Kim Wilson for the Ozark County Assessor’s position in the Aug. 6 Primary Election. Both are on the Republican ballot.
The assessor is charged with several administrative and statutory duties; however, the primary duty and responsibility is to assess all real...