City of Gainesville holds Nov. 19 meeting

Editor’s note: Due to illness, a reporter was unable to attend the Nov. 19, Gainesville City Council meeting; Therefore, we are printing the minutes from the meeting.
The City Council of Gainesville met in regular session at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2024, at Gainesville City Hall.
The following members were present: Aldermen Renee Schmucker, Dana Crisp, Treva Warrick, Lana Bushong and Teri Edades, along with Mayor Deanna G. Reich. Also attending were Kyla Hicks, OCSD Deputy Josh Sherman, Gainesville Fire Chief Kevin Piland, City Maintenance Supervisor Mike Davis, City Water Specialist Jessi Price and City Clerk Lisa Goodnight.
1. Call to order - Gainesville Mayor Gail Reich called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.
2. Roll call – Five Aldermen were present. Mayor Reich was present. Quorum achieved.
3. Consent agenda – Dana Crisp made a motion to accept the consent agenda with the following changes; Gainesville School sign size request and city signage added. Lana Crisp seconded. All yeas. Motion passed.
4. Open forum:
a. Kyla Hicks Tattoo Shop – Ms. Hicks supplied a business plan for a proposed tattoo shop within the Gainesville city limits at 452 Main Street, across from Town & Country Supermarket. Ms. Hicks spoke briefly about the services that would be available.
5. Fire department report –
a. MFA Oil Foundation check presentation - MFA Oil Foundation was at City Hall the day of the meeting to present a check for $2,000 to the City of Gainesville’s Volunteer Fire Department. The grant funds are intended for SCBA cylinder purchases which cost over $900 each.
b. Shirt request – no action.
6. Maintenance department report and water department report
a. Maintenance Department – Mike Davis reported his department has repaired some leaks during the last month. There were limbs that had fallen onto Harlin Heights Drive due to high wind gusts. They pushed limbs off the roadway that came down during the storm.
b. Water department – Jessi Price reported that the city’s center district had its water usage cut in half. The east well is at a minimal water loss, below 1 percent. The west well is up in water usage, but there have been leaks found that will be repaired in the next month.
7. Wastewater treatment facility – A form was presented showing the number of loads of sludge that been hauled from the city’s wastewater treatment facility.
8. Old Business –
a. Gainesville Saddle Club contract – City Clerk Lisa Goodnight spoke with a Saddle Club member and asked that they look over the contract and sign. She asked that if there are points of concern, they can mark them and bring the contract to City Hall so the city council can either sign the contract or work out the concerns.
b. Harlin Heights lighting – Harlin Heights Apartments repaired four decorative outdoor lights that have supplied a great amount of light. Dan Schmucker with White River Valley Electric Cooperative told the city that if the city wants a pole set, they will need to submit a formal request. No action taken.
9. New business –
1. Christmas parade event insurance – Lana Bushong made a motion to purchase event insurance with $1,000,000 liability for the Dec. 6 Christmas on the Gainesville Square event. Dana Crisp seconded. All yeas.
2. ARPA/DNR drinking water project – Lana Bushong made a motion to accept the recommendation of Toth & Associates concerning acceptance of the following bids; Cary Stewart Construction (project) $2,614,400 and Gerard Tank $782,500 (stand pipe) totaling $3,396,900. Dana Crisp seconded. All yeas. Motion passed.
3. The Gainesville School District – Lana Bushong made a motion to allow the Gainesville School to install a marquee/digital sign on their newly purchased right-of-way at the campus entrance at Bulldog Drive and Highway 160. The 8-foot by 8-foot marquee/digital sign will be on an 8-foot base. Renee Schmucker seconded. Three yeas. Two nays. Motion passed.
4. Fifth Street sign – Dana Crisp made a motion to add an informational sign to the Fifth Street sign post noting that city maintenance ends at the sign because Fifth Street is a driveway. The street sign and sign placement were made due to 911 requirements. Renee Schmucker seconded. All yeas. Motion passed.
5. Tattoo Shop – Dana Crisp made a motion to allow Kyla Hicks to open a tattoo/piercing shop at 452 Main Street, providing that she complies with all licensing requirements in the state of Missouri. Lana Bushong seconded. All yeas. Motion passed. [Editor’s note: The Times spoke with Hicks, who said she has to confirm financing before she can open the shop].
10. Equipment requests
a. Maintenance department – none.
b. Fire department – Lana Bushong made a motion to approve a service be performed on the fire department’s ladder truck at the cost of up to $850. Teri Edades seconded. All yeas. Motion passed.
11. Adjourn – Dana Crisp made a motion to adjourn. Treva Warrick seconded. All yeas. Motion passed. Adjourned at 6:54 p.m..