Local Events

Ninety participants have signed up for the free CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) class to be held at 5 p.m. Thursday at The Center on Highway 5 north at the Gainesville city limits.  Ozark County Ambulance administrator Stacy Raney, with support from Ozark County emergency management director...

Chatting with Mr. Claus: Makadah Price, daughter of Warren and Valerie Price, shared her Christmas wishes with Santa during last year’s breakfast with Santa event in the Bakersfield School cafeteria prior to the annual Bakersfield Christmas parade. Children visited with Santa (Richard Chamberlain) while his elves (Carol Bales, Melba Mullins and Dianna Stover) served pancakes and sausage. This year’s breakfast with Santa in Bakersfield will be from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 1. Photo by Val Price.
Organizers are finalizing details for upcoming Ozark County Christmas events.  Bakersfield’s “An American Christmas” will be held Saturday, Dec. 1, beginning with  Breakfast with Santa from 9 to 11 a.m. in the school cafeteria. The menu includes pancakes and sausage, milk and coffee for $2 per...
Pat Hannaford of Pontiac (right) shown here with life-long friend Sonja Grisham, will be the speaker at the prayer brunch set for 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 17, at Frontier Baptist Church in Pontiac. All women are invited to attend. To get to Frontier Baptist from Gainesville, take Highway 5 south,...
Caulfield VFD to host hunters’ breakfast  fundraiser Saturday A deer hunters’ breakfast and bake sale fundraiser will be held from 8 to 11 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 10, at the Caulfield firehouse on Highway 160. The cost of the breakfast will be $8 per person and will include pancakes, biscuits and gravy...
Nov. 8 is the deadline to sign up for a free CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) class, including infant CPR, that has been organized by Ozark County Ambulance administrator Stacy Raney and Ozark County emergency management director Steve Ator. The CPR class will be held at 5 p.m. Thursday, Nov....

Matthew J. England
When Doug Hawkins read last week’s Ozark County Times and saw that the Matthew J. England Memorial 5K run/walk had been cancelled because Matthew’s mom, Pamela Hengen, who has organized the event for the past five years, was having health problems, he immediately sent a screenshot of the story and...

Matthew J. England
When Doug Hawkins read last week’s Ozark County Times and saw that the Matthew J. England Memorial 5K run/walk had been cancelled because Matthew’s mom, Pamela Hengen, who has organized the event for the past five years, was having health problems, he immediately sent a screenshot of the story and...
A Missouri Department of Conservation hunter education skills session class will be held from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Nov. 3, in the Gainesville High School library. Participants must be at least 11 years old on or before the date of the class. They must register online by going to mdc.mo.gov and...

Cpl. Deborah “Deb” Miller
Friends, family and former co-workers are invited to a retirement party for Deborah “Deb” Miller from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27, at The Center on Highway 5 north at the Gainesville city limits. Miller, a 1981 Gainesville High School graduate, is the daughter of the late Samuel Lee Heriford,...

Two cute chicks: Sisters Kelbi and Laney Clayton, daughters of Darian and Kyle Clayton, strutted around the Gainesville square in matching chicken costumes during the 2017 Ozark County trunk-or-treat on the Gainesville square. This year, on Halloween night, Wednesday, Oct. 31, trunk-or-treat events will be held on the Gainesville square, in the Lutie School parking lot and at Bakersfield’s Pride Park.
Halloween is next week, and residents of all ages are looking forward to the spooky and fun-filled holiday as well as non-spooky events celebrating autumn. Listed below are Halloween-themed activities and harvest-season events planned around the area.    Oct. 27, 2018 Clear Springs General Baptist...


Ozark County Times

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Gainesville, MO 65655

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