Local Events

Missouri Department of Conservation says prescribed fire is an ancient technique used to manage grasslands, woodlands and old fields for forage production and improvement of wildlife habitat. MDC will hold a prescribed-fire workshop Jan. 15 in Tecumseh. (MDC photo)
Landowners can learn to use prescribed fire as a land-management tool at two upcoming Prescribed Fire Workshops presented by the Missouri Department of Conservation in Tecumseh and Mountain Grove. The first will be from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 15, at the Tecumseh Volunteer Fire Department. The...
At noon on Christmas Day, VFW Post #5366 in Isabella, with help from the AmVets chapter, will serve its annual free community dinner at the VFW hall on HH Highway in Isabella.  Facility manager Ruby Winslow said everyone is invited to the free meal, veterans and non-veterans. If advance...

Pamela Hengen, mother of Ozark County fallen soldier Matthew J. England, awards Dillon Abraham the first-place prize for winning the 10-and-younger division at the annual 5K race/walk held Saturday, Dec. 8, in honor of Hengen’s son.
For the past five years, on the Saturday before Veterans Day, Matthew England’s mother Pamela Hengen has hosted a 5K run/walk to raise money for a scholarship fund set up in memory of her son, who lost his life at the age of 22 when an insurgent’s homemade bomb blew up his Army vehicle on June 8,...

Claire Turner, 9, daughter of Ashley Turner and Jeremy Hughes, visited with Santa Claus at Gainesville Elementary School's special choir performance Friday night. Santa will be visiting Ozark County again in the next couple weeks. Photo courtesy Darla Sullivan.
Santa Claus came to town Friday might, visiting Gainesville Elementary School during the special choir’s performance of ’Twas One Crazy Night Before Christmas. He’s coming back this week and next, and through the magic of Christmas (and perhaps some  rocketing reindeer), he’ll be making...

Weather permitting, Cow-boy Rick Hamby of Caulfield will bring his “Journey Stage” along for his presentation at the Ozark County Historium at 10 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 13.
At 10 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 13, Cowboy Rick Hamby of Caulfield will visit the Historium, and, weather permitting, he plans to bring along his famous “Journey Stagecoach,” which he and his crew have driven on several westward journeys in recent years.  Hamby, who presents a radio program entitled ...

Starr Meyers was part of the “Candy Land” float created by Girl Scouts Troop 71227 for last year’s Jingle Bell Parade.This year’s Christmas events in Gainesville have been canceled due to predicted bad weather.
Gainesville’s annual holiday celebration, “Wonders of Christmas,” including the Mr. and Miss Merry Christmas contest, scheduled for this Saturday, Dec. 8, has been canceled. Organizers made the decision late Tuesday morning after after discussing the predicted wintry weather that’s forecast for the...

Retired physician Bob Kipfer, portraying explorer Henry Rowe Schoolcraft, will present a program at 10 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 6, at the Ozark County Historium celebrating the bicentennial of Schoolcraft’s journey into the Ozarks. The event is free and open to everyone.
In celebration of the bicentennial of Henry Rowe Schoolcraft’s journey into the Ozarks, the Ozark County Historium will host a free event featuring the intrepid explorer himself. At 10 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 6, all are invited to come hear the adventurer speak about his travels through the portion of...

Rocky Top Campground and Cabins owner Joe Easterday checks to make sure Frosty is secure Monday afternoon following Sunday’s brutal winds. Easterday, with “lots of help” from friends Tom Bentele, Jason Turnbough and Duane Turner, is turning the Tecumseh campground into a magical drive-through Christmas wonderland that will be open to the public beginning Saturday, Dec. 1. “There’s still lots of work to do, but we’ll be ready by Saturday,” Easterday said. More than 10,000 lights decorate the cabins and the cozy clubhouse. Many new items have been added to the original display, which now has 24 inflatables, a nativity scene, a candy cane lane and more. Easterday and his wife Diane invite everyone to come out and enjoy the lights and decorations. A special evening is set for Saturday, Dec. 15, when hot chocolate, cookies and coffee will be served from 6 to 9 p.m. Rocky Top is off Highway 160 at the top of the Tecumseh curves. Times photo / Norene Prososki.
Santa’s elves aren’t the only ones working hard to make Christmas merry for holiday enthusiasts young and old. Dozens of Ozark Countians are busy planning and working hard to finalize fun, inspiring and generous events intended as gifts to the community.   Ozark County Community Choir The Ozark...

Sailor Anderson killed this buck during the early portion of Missouri's 2018 youth deer season.
The late session of Missouri youth firearms deer season will be held Nov. 23-25. Youth ages 6 to 15 are eligible to participate. To have a youth deer season photo published in the Ozark County Times, bring it to the Times office during  business hours (8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday), send the...

Jabet Wade, left, and Jenny Yarger, practice their newly acquired CPR skills while Air Evac director Lacey Robb, right, gives pointers, and Renee Schmucker, back, waits for her turn to give it a try. Photo by Norene Prososki.
A large crowd gathered at The Center in Gainesville Thursday evening to learn CPR lifesaving skills and drowning prevention. New and long-time parents, grandparents, babysitters, co-workers, caregivers  and others interested in learning how to save a life were among those taking advantage of the...


Ozark County Times

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Gainesville, MO 65655

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