MJTF executes search warrant, finds methamphetamine, pills and guns

Thomas Pettit

Summer Luna

Michael Pearden
Thomas Pettit, Summer Luna and Michael Peardon are now facing charges after officers reportedly found drugs at their residence during the execution of a search warrant.
Pettit and Luna have each been charged with three counts of possession of a controlled substance and one count of unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia.
Peardon has been charged with possession of a controlled substance (methamphetamine), three counts of unlawful possession of a firearm and one count of unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia.
According to the probable cause statement, prepared by Ozark County Sheriff’s Lt. Matt Rhoades, at 11 p.m. May 4, the Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force conducted a search warrant at the Thomas Pettit and Summer Luna home on County Road 620 in Isabella.
Various prescription pills found in home
During a search of the home, officers reportedly found used meth pipes, which field-tested positive for the drug, in the bedroom, as well as a locker at the foot of the bed with the following drugs, prescribed to a woman named Megan in a different state:
• Clonazepam (Klonopin) (21.5 pills)
• Alprazolam (Xanax) (16 pills)
• Citalopram (Celexa) (36.5 pills)
“All of these are controlled and must be issued by a doctor due to their tendency to be abused,” Rhoades wrote in the report.
There were other prescription pill bottles also located in the home with other individuals’ names on the prescription bottles for various ailments, but they were medications that are not legally considered controlled substances.
After being read his Miranda rights, Pettit told officers that his girlfriend, Luna, had gotten the pills from a house she was helping clean out. He told Rhoades where some of the pills were, but he did not mention the pills in the locker.
Pettit is on parole for trafficking drugs and has a long history of drug use and drug trafficking.
Meth and paraphernalia found in camper
In a camper trailer on the property, which was included on the warrant, Peardon exited and was detained. He reportedly told officers that there were meth pipes and meth in the trailer he was living in, along with several firearms. He told the deputies where they were. The following items were found and collected as evidence:
• a pipe
• several straws
• two plastic bags with a white crystal-like substance that field-tested positive for methamphetamine
• a rifle
• two handguns
Peardon was arrested and the items were booked into evidence. The suspect lives alone in the trailer on the property.
Court updates
Pettit, who is charged as a prior and persistent drug offender based on his prior drug convictions, is scheduled to appear for a case review at 9:30 a.m. May 28. If convicted of this case, he will be sentenced more harshly than if he were not classified as a prior and persistent offender.
Luna was scheduled for a bond reduction hearing Friday. She was not granted a bond reduction and is being held on a $5,000 cash only bond. Peardon is being held in the Ozark County Jail on a $7,500 cash-only bond and scheduled to appear for a bond reduction hearing on May 28.