Local teens ‘taste hunger’ to help others

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Bakersfield School’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes chapter teamed up with area churches recently to fast for 30 hours while doing projects around the community to raise awareness and funds for World Vision’s 30-hour famine project. This year‘s funds go to help children in the Republic of Congo. The group is currently halfway to its goal of $1,868.88, which is what it costs to help a family become self-sufficient. To donate, contact Jodi Burns at 417-284-7333. Participants included, front row, from left: Jordan Pohl, Hayden Pearson, Paisley Radar, Jordan Stutts, Donald Burns, Josie Hensley, Deanna Chamberlain, Dylan Bonham and Jodi Burns. Back: Seth Ehrhart holding Eli Sewell, Cruise Blake, Evan Ryan, Silas Bouchard, Andrea Yount, Tiffany Daugherty, Mckensie Lester, Alex Kowiti, Ella Ryan, Shelby See, Hannah See, Haley Kimmell and Damon Sewell.