2018 Bakersfield Homecoming court
Photos by Lori Denton
Members of Bakersfield’s 2018 Homecoming court are pictured following the coronation ceremony Friday, Feb. 9. Front, from left: flower girl Hailee Collins, senior candidates Savanna Carter, Madison Farel, Mariah Burnett, 2018 Homecoming Queen Natalie McKee, junior attendant Cailey Beavers, sophomore attendant Heavan Tiller, freshman attendant Sidney Tucker, crown bearer Cody Cunningham. Back: king candidates Reece Anstine, Hunter Bentley, Brady Ingalsbe, 2018 Homecoming King Doug Tefft, escorts Jordan Kuk, Briggs Hardin, Riley Keith. At right, Homecoming King Doug Tefft and Queen Natalie McKee. Bakersfield hosted Couch; the varsity boys team fell 66-58 to the Indians, and the Lady Lions won, 67-50.