Tredway, Strong and Henry elected to Ava R-1 School Board

Troy Tredway, Lowell Strong and Mark Henry were elected to the Ava R-1 School Board in Tuesday's General Municipal Election, according to the Douglas County Herald. Henry is the only incumbent who was re-elected. These are the vote totals reported by the Herald on its Facebook page. It is believed that these totals do not include Ozark County votes because they were announced nearly an hour before Ozark County votes were announced.
Troy Tredway, 591
Lowell Strong, 588
Mark Henry, 574
Michael Stewart (incumbent), 504
Vernard Deatherage, 550
Kenneth Fleetwood (incumbent), 514
These Ozark County votes were cast for Ava school board candidates, according to Ozark County Clerk Brian Wise:
Troy Tredway, 20
Lowell Strong, 20
Vernard Deatherage, 18
Mark Henry, 4
Michael Stewart, 9
Kenneth Fleetwood, 7