Local schools gear up for 2018-19 year to begin soon
Lauren Suter gets vaccinations at the Ozark County Health Department to meet Missouri requirements for school attendance. Ozark County schools begin their 2018-19 academic year in less than a month. For a complete list of required immunizations, contact the health department, or visit their Facebook page. The health department is offering a vaccination clinic on Wednesday, Aug. 1. Call 679-3334 for an appointment or for more information.
County schools are gearing up for the 2018-2019 school year. Important dates and guidelines are listed below.
Bakersfield R-IV School
Bakersfield school officials remind all students and parents that state law and health regulations require students to be properly immunized and provide verification to attend school unless they have an appropriate exemption card on file. All incoming kindergartners, eighth graders and seniors need updated immunizations. Parents of children who have not received these required immunizations should call the Ozark County Health Department (679-3334) or their healthcare provider to schedule a visit before school starts.
Registration for all new students will be held Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 8-9.
Teachers report for in-service Aug. 10 and 13. The school will hold an open house from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 13.
Classes begin with a full day of school on Tuesday, Aug 14. The day begins at 7:50 a.m. and ends at 3:38 p.m. for the high school and 3:42 p.m. for the elementary.
“During construction of the FEMA building, we ask elementary parents to drop off and pick up students at the north gate of the elementary,” said Bakersfield superintendent Dr. Amy Britt. “They should pull in and follow the rock wall to make a circle down along the sidewalk to pick up or drop off students as we did during the construction of the high school building. Middle school and high school students may be dropped off or picked up by pulling in and following the lane and circling around to exit the same gate. Buses will load and unload all students on the south end. There will be no through traffic from the high school to the elementary during construction. We thank everyone in advance for their attention to safety.”
Bakersfield teachers completed several fundraisers throughout the year to provide basic school supplies for all students in grades K through 5. There is a limited school supply list of things not provided by the fundraisers such as backpacks and hand sanitizer. The list is available on the Bakersfield School webpage, the Bakersfield Alumni Facebook page and at Walmart.
Dora R-III School
Dora student registration will be held from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday and Friday, Aug. 9-10. This year’s Back-to-School Fair at Dora will be held from 8 a.m. to noon Saturday, Aug. 4, in the Dora School cafeteria. Free clothing, shoes, haircuts and other goods and services will be available to students. Organizers expressed thanks to area churches and individuals who have helped make the event possible.
All required school supplies for students in pre-kindergarten through eighth grade are being donated to the school again this year and will be given to students on the first day of classes. Paper, pens and pencils are also being donated to the high school classrooms. The provisions are supplied through the Back to School Basics of Ozark County nonprofit group.
Anyone wishing to donate children’s clothing or funds for this year’s fair is asked to contact Teri Shipley at 712-1027 or Shanna Barnett at 417-293-7471. For more information, visit backtoschoolbasics.org.
Dora school is hosting an open house from 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 14. Students return to school on Thursday, Aug. 16.
Gainesville R-V School
Gainesville R-V School District will hold registration Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 1-2. Students may pick up their schedules, paperwork and pay fees at this time. Insurance information and lunch applications also will be available. School officials ask that all paperwork be completed and turned in during registration times listed below.
Students must have up-to-date immunizations before they can attend school. New students to the district should have a copy of their current immunizations, transcript from previous schools and the name, address and telephone number of their previous school.
Book bags, duffle bags or backpacks will not be allowed at school.
Registration for returning students will be Aug. 1, with seniors registering at 8 a.m., juniors at 9 a.m., sophomores at 10 a.m., freshman at 11 a.m., eighth graders at 1 p.m. and seventh graders at 2 p.m. New students may register anytime from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m. on Aug. 2.
Siblings are encouraged to come together. For more information, call Gainesville School at 679-4200.
Teachers will start their school year with fall in-service Aug. 6 and Aug. 13-14.
Students report for school with a full day on Wednesday, Aug. 15.
The Ozark County Health Department is accepting financial donations for school supplies to help with a program sponsored by the Ozark County Inter-Agency Council that provides free school supplies to Gainesville students who need them.
Health department administrator Rhonda Suter says OCHD staff members are able to buy supplies in bulk at a discounted rate, so financial donations are stretched a bit further if cash is given.
Each year parents are invited to stop in at the health department office or call 417-679-3334 to sign up their children for the program. OCHD staff members ask the child’s name, age, the grade they’re going into and their address to ensure the correct supplies are provided for the grade the child is entering.
Donations are welcome. Make checks payable to Ozark County Inter-Agency Council and mail them to P.O. Box 63, Gainesville, MO 65655; indicate that the check is for the Back to School Fair. Donations may also be left at the Ozark County Health Department or mailed to Century Bank of the Ozarks, P.O. Box 68, Gainesville, MO 65655.
Lutie R-VI
Lutie student registration is set for 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 7-8.
The school district is providing all school supplies for all elementary students and for high school students as needed, thanks to donations from the community. Donations may be dropped off at the office and designated toward this fund.
Teachers will have in-service beginning Aug. 9. A community open house and barbecue is set for 5 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 14. Parents, students and members of the community are invited to tour the school and meet teachers and administrators at the event.
Students start school with a full day on Thursday, Aug. 16.
Parents and guardians of 3- and 4-year-old children are encouraged to call the school, 273-4274, and register them for Lutie’s preschool program.
Thornfield R-I School
Thornfield School’s K-8 new student registration is set for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Aug. 13. Open house will be held for students and their families from 5 to 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 16. New superintendent Melissa Campbell invites students and parents to a movie night at 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11.
The first day of school for students is Thursday, Aug. 17, with early dismissal at 1 p.m. For more information, contact the school at 265-3212.
Mark Twain R-VIII School
Mark Twain School’s K-8 open house is set for 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 15. The first day of school for students is Thursday, Aug. 16.