Summer reading program at Ozark County library

The Ozark County Volunteer Library will host a summer reading program, “A Universe of Stories,” for children age 4 and up beginning Monday, June 17, and continuing through Monday, July 29. Volunteer Aletta Moore, who’s coordinating the program, said, “We’re encouraging the children and youth of our county to read for pleasure this summer. Participants will receive prizes for meeting their reading goals and will be entered in drawings for grand prizes at the end-of-program celebration.” Story hour, along with activities for the children, will be held at 10 a.m. each Monday. Additional activities for older children may be planned, depending on the number of participants. Join the summer reading program by registering at the library before June 10. For more information, drop by the library at 200 Elm St., across from the Gainesville post office, or call 417-679-4442. The library is open from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, and from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday. Shown here: Sam Jones of Portland, Oregon, visits the library’s children section with his children Cleo, left, and Reese.