H&H starts next week

Look inside today’s edition of the Times for a special 68-page Hootin an Hollarin guide, featuring the 2018 Lil Cedar Pete and Lil Miss Addie Lee winners Trail Acklin, son of Rockie and Patricia Acklin, and Adaleah Moore, daughter of Sarah and David Moore.
Hootin an Hollarin starts next week, transforming the Gainesville square from its usual quiet, small-town demeanor into a bustling old-time village full of handicraft vendors, homecoming visitors and a wide variety of crowd-pleasing, rib-ticklin’ activities and heartwarming country music.
Details of the upcoming festival are provided in the 2019 Hootin an Hollarin Magazine, included in this issue of the Times. Hootin an Hollarin participants are especially encouraged to check out the schedule on page 4 of the magazine and the map of vendors and demonstrators on page 59 to plan out the perfect festival experience.
Hootin an Hollarin chairperson Nancy Walker said Monday the committee is finalizing details and looking forward to a fun-filled three-day event, including a long list of musical performers and a wide assortment of activities for young and old.
This year, for the first time, local businesses and individuals have stepped forward to sponsor some of the signature Hootin an Hollarin events. Ozarks Hills Insurance and Mill Country Title are sponsoring the Thursday night square dancing, Paul Wade and Associates CPA and American Family Insurance are sponsoring the Friday evening band, and Walker Farms and Stockmens Bank are sponsoring the Friday night square dancing. Shelter Insurance and Century Bank of the Ozarks are sponsoring the Saturday evening band, and the Ozark County Times and Nash and Sons Auto Sales are sponsoring the Saturday evening square dancing.
Walker called particular attention to the change in the old-fashioned kids games schedule, noting that the traditional turtle races have been replaced by the “terrapin hop” in which youngsters “race like terrapins” and no live animals are involved. Most of the kids games are also in a new place this year – in the shaded lawn on the north side of the courthouse. For more information, see page 27 of the magazine and/ or check in at booth 9 on the north side of the square.
Walker also said freshly made apple butter will be served this year along with the hot bread and fresh butter made by “the Luna sisters” – Marilyn Tilley, Carolyn Sue Cockman and Shirley Sinor – in their booth adjoining the Hootin an Hollarin information booth on the northeast corner of the square. And she also wanted to remind Ozark County cooks that this year’s pie-baking contest has been expanded to include chicken and dumplins. (For more information, contact pie contest chair Jerri Sue Crawford at 679-3522 or 417-331-6538.
The Hootin an Hollarin committee is working to bring back the kid-pleasing barrel train that’s hauled youngsters back and forth through the festival crowds for years. A complication caused the train to be sidelined last year, but Walker’s hoping details can be worked out to bring it back in 2019.
Four high school bands and the Central High School Kilties will be marching in the Big Parade on Saturday afternoon, and several parade floats are in the works, Walker said. adding that more floats are always needed and welcome. The prize money, up to $150, makes it worth the effort, she said.
Quilt show entries
Fabric artists who plan to enter their quilts in the 2019 Hootin an Hollarin quilt show should check in their quilted items between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, says chairperson Lily Branco. This year’s show is at The Meeting Place on Third Street just west of the square. Look for the banner, says Branco.
The only requirement for entering a quilt in the quilt show is that it has never been in the Hootin an Hollarin quilt show before.
This year’s show includes 10 categories that will be judged, including baby quilts, table runners, first quilts and youth quilts (made by those under 18) as well as many combinations of hand- or machine-pieced or quilted quilts and appliqued patterns. In addition to prizes in those categories, special ribbons will be awarded for the Judges’ Choice, Best in Show, People’s Choice and 2019 Hootin an Hollarin theme (“A trip back when”).
Judging will take place Thursday morning.
The show will be open from 5 to 7 p.m Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday, and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.
Participants may pick up their entries after 4:30 p.m. Saturday.
Antique quilts, crochet and knitted piecework are welcome for display if space is available but will not be judged.
“So pass the word and help us have an awesome Hootin an Hollarin quilt show,” Branco said. “We look forward to displaying your creations.”
For information, contact Branco at 679-3163, 989-1313.