Theodosia man facing firearm charge

Matthew DeMorest
Theodosia resident Matthew Demorest, born in 1977, is facing a class E felony charge of possession of a firearm, which is illegal due to his status as a convicted felon.
According to the probable cause statement, prepared by Ozark County Deputy Josh Sherman, at 4:30 p.m. March 8, the Ozark County Sheriff’s Department executed a search warrant at Demorest’s residence in Theodosia. He was read his Miranda rights on scene, and he reportedly confirmed that the master bedroom had his belongings present including a shotgun. He said the firearm was important to his family, as it had been provided from prior relatives.
A search of the home was conducted and a 12 gauge shotgun JC Higgins and three boxes of 12 gauge shotgun shells were found.
All items were seized, secured and processed. Demorest was booked and released at his residence through the sheriff’s department’s mobile data terminal due to his significant on-going medical issues.
The case was filed by the prosecutor on Oct. 17, and Demorest was arrested on a $2,500 cash only bond. He posted the bond and was released from custody on Oct. 24. He was arraigned Oct. 29 and is scheduled to appear before Associate Judge Raymond Gross at 9 a.m. Dec. 10.