OZARK COUNTY LAW DAY: Warrants issued and not guilty plea entered
Circuit Court Judge Craig Carter processed 11 defendants during the Dec. 18 session of Ozark County Circuit Court.
During the pre-trial conference for Patrick K. Lee, defense attorney Bethany Turner requested that Lee’s January trial be postponed because he has a new job that will be sending him to training for eight weeks and the training time will overlap his scheduled trial. Ozark County Prosecutor Lee Pipkins objected to that request and Judge Carter agreed. Lee’s trial will be held as scheduled. Lee is charged with first degree burglary, second degree domestic assault and second degree robbery.
Turner also asked to withdraw from representing Jody Weyrauch. She was granted her request. A capias warrant for Weyrauch was issued. A capias warrant is a court order that authorizes law enforcement to arrest and detain a person who is charged with a crime or has failed to comply with court orders.
Warrants issued
A bond review hearing was held for Michael Cory Collins. He appeared with his attorney and had recently completed a seven day shock detention in the Ozark County Jail. His case was continued to 9 a.m. Jan. 8.
On Dec. 23, an alias capias warrant was issued for Collins’ after the court found probable cause that Collins had violated terms of his bond. An alias capias warrant is a combination of an alias warrant, in which someone doesn’t appear in court for a scheduled date before entering a plea or doesn’t respond to a citation, and a capias warrant. According to the arrest warrant, after he is taken into custody, Collins is ordered to serve seven days shock incarceration in the Ozark County Jail. He is also ordered to be detained pending trial without bond. As of presstime, Friday, Dec. 27, Collins had not been arrested.
A show cause warrant was issued for failure to appear in the case of Timothy William Kendrick. Kendrick, charged with driving while license revoked, had been a resident at the Gainesville Health Care Center. However, he was released and no longer a resident at the nursing home. He is scheduled to appear at 9 a.m. Jan. 8.
Taylor French failed to appear for a probation violation hearing. A capias warrant was issued.
Not guilty plea
Jeremiah Love waived arraignment and reading of the charges and pleaded not guilty to charges of possession of a controlled substance and first degree property damage. According to his attorney Public Defender Chase Opolka, Love is looking into a long-term rehabilitation program. A plea or trial setting was also rescheduled in two other cases where he is charged with possession of a controlled substance, unlawful use of a weapon by possession of a weapon and a felony controlled substance, first degree harassment, fourth degree domestic assault, second degree property damage, unlawful use of drug paraphernalia, escape or attempted escape from confinement and damage to jail or jail property. Opolka said all three cases may be resolved soon. Love is ordered to appear at 1:30 p.m. Jan. 22.
Jury trial scheduled
A change of venue was granted and a jury trial scheduled in the case of David Roland Stecklein. Stecklein is charged with first degree harassment, stealing an animal, animal abuse and second degree property damage. Pre-trial is set for Nov. 4 in Douglas County.
Continued to Jan. 8
Brian W. Cuthbertson appeared with his attorney for a plea or trial setting. The setting was rescheduled for 9 a.m. Jan. 8. Cuthbertson is charged with second degree assault, first degree property damage and armed criminal action.
Continued to Jan. 22
Lori Shannon Collins appeared with her attorney for a plea or trial setting. Her attorney, Public Defender Chase Opolka, asked for a continuance due to a possible plea deal with the state. The plea or trial setting was continued to 1:30 p.m. Jan. 22. Collins is charged with second degree murder in that during the perpetration, attempted perpetration or flight from the perpetration of a felony a person dies, first degree tampering with a motor vehicle and leaving the scene of an accident that resulted in death.
A bond review hearing was held for Jared W. Johnston. Lee informed the court that a plea offer will be made to Johnston. Court Probationary Services was relieved of pretrial supervision and Johnston’s case was continued to 1:30 p.m. Jan. 22. Johnston is charged with second degree trafficking and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia - amphetamine or methamphetamine.
Continued to Jan. 29
A recently performed competency evaluation found James C. Reed competent to stand trial. He is scheduled to appear at 9 a.m. Jan. 29 for a plea or trial setting. He is charged with unlawful use of a weapon by shooting at or from a motor vehicle at a person, motor vehicle or building, first degree harassment, armed criminal action, second degree tampering with a motor vehicle, first degree property damage, leaving the scene of an accident with property damage exceeding $1,000 and second degree trespassing.
Continued to Feb. 5
John N. Wiggins appeared for a case review and his case was rescheduled for 9 a.m. Feb. 5. Wiggins was found incompetent in July 2024 and was committed to the Department of Mental Health. He is scheduled to be reevaluated in January.