Bakersfield High School sewing class makes preschoolers’ monster drawings a reality

Afternoon class preschoolers and sewing class students who worked together were, from left, back row: Joleah Orf, Alexis Bartlett, Josie Hensley, Deanna Nickason, Paisley Rader, Braden Ettner, Jessie Tackitt, Hadley Stevens, Avery Farel, Laci May and Jasmine Deatherage. Front row: Cabella Collins, River Bo Frasier, Malachi Mathis, Lane Smith, Ellie Lau, Raylee Busbey, Evelyn Lester, Lilly Neal and Grayden Steiner.

Morning class preschoolers and sewing class students who worked together were, from left, back row: Jesse Tackitt, Hadley Stevens, Deanna Nickason, Paisley Rader, Joleah Orf, Josie Hensley, Avery Farel, Alexis Bartlett, Laci May, Anthony Colon, Braden Ettner, Mrs. Jody Bond and Jasmine Deatherage. Front row: Hunter Adams, Jace Green, Brycen Lovins, Sawyer Eagleman, Willow McKee and Carmella Blake.
Bakersfield High School’s sewing class, under the direction of teacher Beth Pickle, recently worked collaboratively on a project with the Bakersfield morning and afternoon preschool classes and their teacher Jody Bond to bring the young students’ drawings to life.
The preschool classes read a book about a boy and his monster, and the students were then tasked with drawing a picture of their very own monster. The drawings were taken to the students in the sewing class who made it a project to replicate the drawn monsters in a stuffed animal form.
The afternoon preschool class did their project in October, and the afternoon did theirs this month. “It was a fun project for everyone involved, and there has been much positive feedback from parents and the community,” Pickle said.