2023 Bakersfield science fair winners
Wed, 03/15/2023 - 11:36am

The 2023 Bakersfield science fair winners are, from left: back row: third place winners Jeremiah Pearson, Kobe White, Marcus Meskiman, Damian Tobin, Ty Cotter, Eli Cotter, Aiden Tackitt. Second row: Khloe Simmons, (winner of the People’s Choice award) and second place winners: Riley Summers, Madison Melvin, Mason Mahan, Eden Cotter, Kelsey Cotter, Shanniah Foster, Aubrey Luna and Cheyenne Foster. Front row is grand prize winner Abigail Yarber, and the first place winners: Luke Bean, Jett Collins, Max Bean, Cole Murphy, Alyssa Gailey, Carrleigh Green and Leah Varbor, grand prize winner.