Ozark County residents made the right choice

On April 2, the residents of Ozark County made a significant step forward by approving a “use tax” with a 56 percent majority vote. This 2 percent tax will apply to online purchase and amount to approximately $250,000 annually in extra funding for Ozark County. The revenue generated from this tax will be divided with 50 percent going to the county general fund, 25 percent for road maintenance and 25 percent to support law enforcement services. 

This increase in funding is an optimistic turning point for Ozark County, which has historically struggled to invest in essential public services. The lack of investment has caused poorly maintained roads, limitations in law enforcement capabilities and challenges in maintaining county administrative infrastructure. The approval of the use tax marks a shift towards prioritizing public investment over past tendencies of austerity in Missouri politics. This change embraces a strategy of robust public investment alongside the often unpopular but necessary funding mechanisms. 

Following this decision, I hope for a new era in Ozark County dedicated to meaningful public investment. I am excited to see how the commissioners and sheriff will utilize these additional funds to benefit all individuals in our county. 


Joshua Berzins,



To submit a signed letter to the editor of 300 words or less about a local Ozark County topic, email jessi@ozarkcountytimes.com.

Ozark County Times

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