COVID-19 kept students and teachers from attending their traditional classes, but Lutie School’s teachers and staff decided they wouldn’t let their end-of-year goodbyes go by the way-side. On May 20, they loaded up onto a school bus and visited students’ homes, delivering smiles, awards and ice...
The 2020 senior class graduated from Bakersfield High School Friday, May 22, in the Jerry Taylor Gymnasium. Loosely abiding by COVID-19 pandemic social-distancing guidelines, a limited number of family members gathered to celebrate a challenging finish of high school careers cut short by the...
Dale Henry Mitchell, 72, of Caulfield, died April 21, 2020, at his home. No services are planned at this time.
He was born Dec. 17, 1947, in Elijah, the son of Q. L. and Georgia Gertrude Casey Mitchell. On Oct. 19, 1968, in West Plains, he married Patsy Ann Kesner.
Mr. Mitchell worked at Baxter...
The Bakersfield Elementary Story Time Facebook page is filled with Bakersfield teachers and other school employees reading stories to students through video. The group was created about a month ago as a way for Bakersfield students to find videos from all their teachers in one place. The educators...

Gainesville photographer Karla Smith, whose school sports photos published in the Times and on Facebook have thrilled area families for many years, is using her talents to create graduation portraits for Gainesville High School’s 50 seniors – her gift to these students whose activities she’s recorded for years. Above: Ashley Poe blows a cloud of confetti toward the camera.
Editor’s note: We hope to have updates about graduation events planned by Dora and Lutie high schools in next week’s Times.
The COVID-19 pandemic may have turned the world upside-down for the class of 2020, but despite the abrupt, unexpected and unplanned end of in-person classes through the...
The Lutie FFA plant sale will run from Monday, April 27, through Friday, May 15. Lutie FFA adviser Kathalee Cole will be available from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays during that time for people to purchase plants. Those interested should call 417-273-4150 between 9...
Lutie preschool teacher Tim Lewis says he has missed seeing his students each day since Missouri’s schools closed amid COVID-19 concerns, but he’s finding ways to keep connecting with all those smiling faces. He started posting “Storytime with Mr. Lewis” videos on YouTube, videos in which he reads...
Bakersfield School art teacher Lauren Sanders recently designed a new playground swing especially for kindergartner Avey Fyffe, who is confined to a wheelchair. The swing was built by Bakersfield maintenance staff members Rick Bales, left, and Jason Marsh. “I always knew Bakersfield was a special...

Bakersfield School Bakersfield School principal Doyne Byrd, right, and secretary Jennifer Bridges prepare instructional review packets for student pick-up Tuesday morning. Bakers-field is providing the work packets and meals that can picked up or delivered via bus routes. Super-intendent Amy Britt said meals will be provided to students until school is back in session.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ozark County schools extended last week’s spring break or adjusted their schedules just in time for Missouri Gov. Mike Parson’s statewide social distancing order, which closed Missouri schools until at least April 6. The order was issued Saturday during the...

Bakersfield School Bakersfield School principal Doyne Byrd, right, and secretary Jennifer Bridges prepare instructional review packets for student pick-up Tuesday morning. Bakers-field is providing the work packets and meals that can picked up or delivered via bus routes. Super-intendent Amy Britt said meals will be provided to students until school is back in session.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ozark County schools extended last week’s spring break or adjusted their schedules just in time for Missouri Gov. Mike Parson’s statewide social distancing order, which closed Missouri schools until at least April 6. The order was issued Saturday during the...